13 Jun Establishment of the European Association of Japanese Gardens

Life is made of special moments and this is one of those, and even more special when shared with outstanding people.
The 1st of June 2022 was an important day for many of us – garden lovers, amateurs, professional gardeners, landscape architects and designers, Japanese gardens and existing Japanese garden associations in the world.
The establishment of the European Association of Japanese Gardens will foster everyone and lay the foundations for the development of many activities that will promote education on all levels, in Europe and Japan. Also the creation of new Japanese Gardens in Europe, these gardens future maintenance, and benefits for the existing ones, are some of noteworthy benefits set in.
Special acknowledgments on the contribution of Association Française du Jardin Japonais (AFJJ), the Japanese Garden Association of Japan, the Japanese Garden Society (JGS UK), Denmark Japanese Garden Association (DJGA DK), North American Japanese Garden Association (NAJGA US), represented by their presidents and supported by their members, and all the individual and personal involvement of many, many others.
Special mention to key persons, now members of the constitutional board:
- Makoto Suzuki (Honor President)
- Eïjiro Fuji (Honor President)
- Jean-Pierre Chavassieux (President)
- Carla Amorim (Vice-President)
- Diane Crawford (Vice-President)
- Per Andersen (Vice-President)
- Joseph Grimaldi (Vice President)
- Jacques Soignon (Secretaire)
- Yoko Mizuma (Treasurer)
And a note on some of the initial members subscribing this initiative:
Jérémi Venier, Nicolas Fiévé, Maiko Ishida, Christian Tagsold, Carl de Coster, Alain Caillé.
One last remark for the outstanding venue that received us all, Parc Oriental Maulevrier (FR)
#EJGA #eajg #najga #JGS #jgs #japanesegardenassociation #japanesegardening #japanesegardener #japanesegardens #japanesegarden #gardening
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